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  • 2013년 11월 28일 목요일

    Who is Good-Cell?

    Hundreds of current regeneration companies in worldwide have said about the removal of a sulfate (crystal state) in order to expand the forklift battery lifespan.  Good-Cell regenerator also focuses on removal of sulfate on the plates.   However, there are crucial differences between our Good-Cell regenerator and others. 


    The starting point of regeneration is an accurate diagnosis about forklift battery condition.  For example, you go to a doctor to get rid of a boil on right hand but he operates on left hand.   Oooops……. Imagine what happen???  Actually, we have often observed a cell that is over 2 volts with remaining below 30 minutes discharging time.  Therefore, widely using voltage indicator is insufficient to make diagnostic workup.   Good-Cell regenerator diagnoses using MICRO chips in order to understand exact status of forklift battery.  


    Besides, Good-Cell regenerator figures out and shows individual 24 cell’s discharging time on each 24 LCD monitors.  It is advanced technology that nobody has developed in worldwide.   It prevents to waste money from imprudent cell replacement.   If only the weakest cell is replaced and others remain without additional treatment, the following weaker cell will stop working in near future.   Therefore, many companies in worldwide have tried to do certain action for remaining cells like adding chemicals, using high or low frequency wave for the removal of sulfate crystals that block the way of electron.    However, unfortunately they obtain a temporary effect of forklift battery lifespan or even cause getting reducing common battery lifetime.   It is true that any solution doesn’t meet to the customer’s expectation until we develop Good-Cell regenerator and accumulate its operational know-how.


    Now, let me focus on real Good-Cell’s innovative technology “how to return sulfuric acid among sulfate crystal into electrolyte”.       


    Until now, there are some companies using pulse wave in order to destroy a sulfate but they have gained a fraction of the effect because they were forced to use it under 48V circumstances.  To explain it more detail, please remember that pulse wave can move in only gas or liquid state.  Other companies send pulse wave through both ends of the terminals which are connected in series.  In this case, after finishing its role in first cell, pulse waves encounter a big barrier to go to the following cell which is connected with lead connector.   Lead connector is a solid material that pulse wave can’t go ahead.  With this reason, other regenerator is hard to return a sulfate into electrolyte.  Then, someone can easily suggest that you can separately give pulse waves to 24 each cell.  Yes, you are right.  But each cell is 2 Volts controlling 250~900 amperes so it needs a precise technology to control electric current. With this reason, nobody can realize it until Good-Cell develops its unique technology.    So, Good-Cell regenerator plugs independently its clips to each 24 cell.   This is essential difference from others.  


    As a result of not only our advanced technology but also our operating know-how, we have remarkably achieved regeneration records for one and half year in Korea.  


    We will post about Good-Cell story day by day.
    ▶▶The Goal of Good-Cell is a world market.
    ▶▶The technology of Good-Cell not allow comparison to others.
    ▶▶Good-Cell is the sole company showing regeneration results & customers' comments.

    BH SON
    Sr.Mgr of Global Sales & Mktg.
    Cellular : +82-10-3715-4618
    Unit A-231, Steeland in Siwha industrial complex,
    Jungwang-dong,Siheung-si,Kyunggi-do,Republic of Korea
    Good-Cell English blog ▶▶▶
    Good-Cell Korean blog ▶▶▶
    ※ We secure our two domains and will be open it in the first half of 2014.

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