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  • 2013년 11월 28일 목요일

    An Inconvenient Truth on regeneration forlkift battery // Good-Cell

    The best technology to restore the ultimate(?) battery with 20 years old (October 14, 1993)

    [ The most of recycler use the voltage tester to check battery condition as below ]

    Disposal battery decided by Good-Cell

    Battery has reached the end of life because electrolyte is completely depleted and damaged.

    However, the voltage tester indicates over 2.01V ???.
    According to the existing method, good and bad cells may be switched because of fake voltage as photo above. So, it is not quite sure about the first step of regeneration. For example, your go to a doctor to get rid of a boil on right hand but he operates on left hand…….Imagine what happen??? Same situation occurs in
    regeneration market unfortunately. Actually we have often observed a cell that is over 2 volts with remaining below 30 minutes discharge time. So, it is continuous inconvenient reality that customers are tired with argument about A/S and finally give up.

    Regeneration of forklift battery is able to restore when they exactly check the ability of each cell in battery. Until now, nobody check it with current technologies in world. Therefore, the recyclers have continued to restore or repair without checking each cell’s accurate condition. Please do not even compare Good-Cell system with a sloppy restoration method

    [The world’s first Good-Cell precision measurement of discharge time per each cell ]
           (The exact diagnosis per each cell is the first step of the complete restoration)

    Good-Cell self-made tester dedicated to electric forklift battery 

    The general voltage tester or current measurement is quite impossible to diagnose each cell due to the nature of forklift battery. Accurate measurement of each cell is the starting point for restoration or regeneration.

    The world’s first Good-Cell precision diagnosis method per individual cell

    21st cell ▶ discharge time : 102min.(Good-Cell check discharge time one by one per cell a first in the world)
    22ndcell ▶ discharge time : 26min.(Good-Cell check discharge time one by one per cell a first in the world)
     23rdcell ▶ discharge time : 104min.(Good-Cell check discharge time one by one per cell a first in the world)

    24thcell ▶ discharge time : 42min.(Good-Cell check discharge time one by one per cell a first in the world)

    The exact diagnosis per cell is basics and the starting point of repair/ restoration/ regeneration of forklift battery. Good-Cell is confident about world’s first & best technology of regeneration forklift battery through individual diagnosis / independent restoration.

    Most of electric forklift battery is 48V in combination with 2V cell battery as below photo.

    The bigger size, the more capacity, that is to say, the size becomes bigger in proportion
        to the increasing ampere (e.g. 1 ton : 280Ah,  1.5 ton : 400Ah, 3 tons : 710Ah) 


    48V / 400Ah electric forklift battery is made of 24ea cells (2V unit cell)

    Below photo shows that sulfuric acid in inside cell overflows and hardens as a result of degradation.

    The gravity of electrolyte drop down and the damage on the cell plates is rapidly progressive.

    As a result of the severe damage in cell plate, the terminal post is stick out and it is

           suspicious that a pole plate is clipped away.
    ※ Good-Cell regenerator makes alarm after checking the degree of the chopped plate by
         convertible electric pulse wave per 0.1 second.
    The pole plates break away from the both terminal posts (apparently not available to check)

    ※ Good-Cell regenerator shows “Clip Slack” at LCD monitor

    The polluted electrolyte => disable charge/discharge ability => but over 2.1 Volts

    Use such a above cell as replacement cell because of measuring over 2 Volts.

    ※Good-Cell use a cell as replacement after restoring over 75% of discharge time comparing to new battery.

    The world’s first precise regenerator that is able to do individual diagnosis, custom-
    restoration and regeneration for electric forklift battery.(MRI method)

    The traditional method ▶▶ 24ea cell : 1 computer control (stethoscope method)

    So far, 100% of all domestic and foreign recyclers have provided service with the low-level technology such as rough estimated restoration.

    The existing technology: stethoscope ó Good-Cell technology: MRI

    Strong point of Good-Cell regeneration service.
    1. Good-Cell have restored at least 400% more performance than traditional methods of restoration.
    Most of the existing 99.9% regenerator send pulse wave through both ends of the terminals

    which are connected in series. It is a good thing to have this kind of machine which play a
    weak effect. Most recyclers do a simple cell replacement so that they do not reveal how to
    regenerate forklift battery.

    Existing restoration : 24ea cell ó one computer control
    Good-Cell restoration : 24ea cell ó 24ea computers control(Advanced technology)
    Good-Cell is a world first developer that diagnoses and restores individual 24 cell.
     2. Good-Cell never adds any chemicals(activators, catalysts)
    Many existing forklift battery recyclers put unidentified activators or catalysts into extremely
    sensitive cell and it is highly dangerous. Adding chemical additives into the battery which
    should be used 100% purified distilled water ??? It is same that a doctor injects drugs to
    dying person.

    Good-Cell regenerator destroys the accumulated sulfation which interrupts the flow of current. Besides, we
    restore the maximum performance of battery cell through vitalizing the electrical properties of the tired
    electrolyte. We are proud of our technology and operation know-how in regeneration forklift battey.

    3. No imprudent cell replacement. 
    Until now, most recyclers have roughly chosen the replacement cell by checking voltage level. However, according to V=I x R, the voltage indicates high in spite of not flowing current due to high resistance. Most recyclers have replaced with the cell dropping down discharge ability by measuring voltage level. Almost nine out of ten cells that requested to Good-Cell were poor discharge performance. Rather, non-verified regeneration degrades the performance. Good-Cell regenerates charge/discharge ability based on individual cell after checking voltage and current as well as the degree of falling down active materials.

    4. Good-Cell has carried out field test faithfully for 2 and a half years.
    . Hyundai Motors : 15set(from February 17 in 2012)
    . Daewoo Tatabus : 23set(from April 11 in 2012)
    . KCC : 27set(from October 3 in 2011)
    . Other logistics company, forklift service providers and dealers : 350set(from June in 2011)
    . the rate of A/S : 2.7%
    ▶▶The Goal of Good-Cell is a world market.
    ▶▶The technology of Good-Cell not allow comparison to others.

    ▶▶Good-Cell is the sole company showing regeneration results & customers' comments.

    BH SON
    Sr.Mgr of Global Sales & Mktg.
    Cellular : +82-10-3715-4618
    Unit A-231, Steeland in Siwha industrial complex,
    Jungwang-dong,Siheung-si,Kyunggi-do,Republic of Korea
    Good-Cell English blog ▶▶▶
    Good-Cell Korean blog ▶▶▶
    ※ We secure our two domains and will be open it in the first half of 2014.

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