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  • 2013년 11월 28일 목요일

    The story of regeneration battery for electric forklift // Good-Cell

    The story of regeneration battery for electric forklift
    The principle of forklift battery = Organization log exercise of Marine Corps.


    ★ Who is the really tired soldier?
    1, Although the degree of difference is, all soldiers are on the verge of collapse!
    2, Replacing 1~2 soldiers is not proper solution, all soldiers need to recover their
        strength before falling down !
    3, Cell replacement of forklift battery is same situation!

    ★ Inside battery with 6 years old


    (left from the damaged anode,cathode plate / normal cathode,anode plate)

    Forklift batteries are accumulated fatigue from 6 months depending on conditions.
         Under circumstances including supplemental water management, cell begins to be
         rapidly damaged as a whole.

     ※ The secret story of forklift battery regeneration

    1. As shown in the above picture, 5 to 10-year-old battery is the state of the seriously
        accumulative fatigue.
    2. So far, the replacement of cell is everything as regeneration battery under current
        techniques and it is nothing more than a means of battery's life extension for a while.
    3. Due to adding chemicals(costs of 1 set : 100 dollars) or a simple cell replacement,
        there is no one who reveals the process and the results passing for a while.
    4. The effect is lasting only one or two months and when you request A/S, they refer
        to your wrong management, the bad status of charger or short circuit and so on.
       Then, finally they disappear without a word.
    ※ What Good-Cell does ;

    Individual cell test ▶▶ Individual repair ▶▶ Individual restore ▶▶full regeneration
    Good-Cell’s technical staffs provide excellent service through complete 4-step forklift
    battery regeneration system.
    Individually repair bad cells
    ★ Comparison electrolyte the before / after regeneration
    ★ Preparation for factory-out

    ▶▶The Goal of Good-Cell is a world market.
    ▶▶The technology of Good-Cell not allow comparison to others.
    ▶▶Good-Cell is the sole company showing regeneration results & customers' comments.

    BH SON
    Sr.Mgr of Global Sales & Mktg.
    Cellular : +82-10-3715-4618
    Unit A-231, Steeland in Siwha industrial complex,
    Jungwang-dong,Siheung-si,Kyunggi-do,Republic of Korea
    Good-Cell English blog ▶▶▶
    Good-Cell Korean blog ▶▶▶
    ※ We secure our two domains and will be open it in the first half of 2014.

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