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  • 2013년 12월 1일 일요일

    The first challenge to prove Good-Cell's advanced forklift battery regeneration technology

    Good-Cell decides to challenge to regenerate the extreme 20 years old forklift battery. Many customers had been tired of several kind of restoration methods such as electric regenerators or chemicals additives over 10 years. Many clients also glanced suspiciously
    at Good-Cell regeneration system for forklift battery since we introduced our regenerator to
    the market.

    Therefore, we should dispel such a worries ourselves as well as show the differences
    between Good-Cell and other competitors. As a first part of those efforts, we dicides to
    regenerate 20 years old forklfit battery.

    Factory-in, on March 9, Junchul Agriculture Equipment [48V, 660 Ah] 

    We set eyes on forklift battery manufacturer "SAMHEUNG BATTERY CO." It is requested
    from Junchul Agriculture Equipment in Whasung city (24V, 320Ah). Above photo shows
    LOT no. 931014026 which means "Octover 14, 1993" as well as telephone area code
    Frankly speaking, we are worried sick about regeneration battery ;
    . left alone for a while
    . corrosion
    . depletion electrolyte
    . poor voltage ad graivity etc.... worry....worry.......
    ★ Visible "K" (mark of Korea Industrial Standards) at the top of photo
    Many people related forklift battery have never seen it before ant it seems to be marvelous.
    Good-Cell's 4 step process (Test Repair Restoration Regeneration)
    Factory-out, on March 12, Junchul Agriculture Equipment [48V, 660 Ah]
    Regeneration before : 10 min. ▶▶▶ After : 195 min.

    Happy-Call on March 13 with Mr. Kang's comment
    " Charge was poor, power was weak....and after charge, used 5 min. and then charge...I was irritated at battery performance but be that as it may, we're not affordable to buy new one. So, I was forced to call Good-Cell. but I was half a doubt requesting regeneration of Good-Cell at first. Now, it is powerful and energetic. It will last a week by single charge."

    Happy-Call at 02:00 p.m. on March 21 with Mr. Kang

    Good-Cell : Good afternoon Mr. Kang, This is Good-Cell. It is too old battery...I am little bit
                       concern about it. Is it working well?
    Mr. Kang   : I have used the forklift without charge after arriving the battery and I charged
                       4 days ago and now the capacity remain a half.
    Good-Cell : I am pleaed to hear that it has working very well... then, have a nice day!!

    We achieve the challenge project to regenerate over 20-year-old forklift battery with
    Good-Cell's regenerate euqipmemnt and technical staff's know how. We will continue our
    efforts at field test until market believe and acknowledge our technology. So that, our
    business partners easily stabilize their business in their territory.

    ▶▶The Goal of Good-Cell is a world market.
    ▶▶The technology of Good-Cell not allow comparison to others.

    ▶▶Good-Cell is the sole company showing regeneration results & customers' comments.

    BH SON
    Sr.Mgr of Global Sales & Mktg.
    Cellular : +82-10-3715-4618
    Unit A-231, Steeland in Siwha industrial complex,
    Jungwang-dong,Siheung-si,Kyunggi-do,Republic of Korea
    Good-Cell English blog ▶▶▶
    Good-Cell Korean blog ▶▶▶
    ※ We secure our two domains and will be open it in the first half of 2014.

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